Recipients of ISC Grants
2024 (group 2)
- R-Universe: towards a unifying infrastructure and global catalog for the wider R ecosystem
- Ambiorix - A web framework for R
- DeepRHealth – A Deep Learning Toolkit for Healthcare Predictive Modeling
- Cpp11armadillo: An ‘Armadillo’ Interface (C++)
- aggreCAT: An R package for mathematical aggregation of expert elicitation data
- COVID-19 Data Hub
- Launching the Probaverse
2024 (group 1)
- Modular, interoperable, and extensible topological data analysis in R
- ISO 19115-3 standard implementation in geometa R package
- R-multiverse for production
- Critical Updates to Biostrings
- Setting up igraph for success in the next decade
- {geotargets}: Enabling geospatial workflow management with {targets}
2023 (group 2)
- Translating R to Nepali
- RStats Mastodon Server
- Tooling for internationalization of R help pages
- Causal Inference in a Box
- Accessibility Enhancements for the R Journal
- Taking r-universe to the next level
- R Kafka Client
2023 (group 1)
- The future of DBI (extension 1)
- Secure TLS Communications for R
- volcalc: Calculate predicted volatility of chemical compounds
- autotest: Automated testing of R packages
- api2r: An R Package for Auto-Generating R API Clients
2022 (group 2)
- D3po: R Package for Easy Interactive D3 Visualization With Shiny
- Tooling and Guidance for Translations of Markdown-Based R Content Quarto, R Markdown
- Online Submission and Review Infrastructure for the R Journal
- Upgrading SatRdays Website Template
- Building the “Spatial Data Science With R” Educational Materials and Pedagogical Infrastructure
2022 (group 1)
- Iterdatasampler: Expanding the lterdatasampler package
- Femr: Finite Element Method for Solving PDEs in R
- Continuing to Improve R’s Ability to Visualise and Explore Missing Values
- Dengue Data Hub
2021 (group 2)
- Preparing CRAN for the Retirement of rgdal, rgeos and maptools
- R Package for the ICESat-2 Altimeter Data
- The Future of DBI
- Data Science and Machine Learning Training Workshop Using R Programming Language
2021 (group 1)
- Accounting/Auditing Gap-Analysis
- Extendr - Rust extensions for R.
- Google Earth Engine with R
- Improving Translations in R
- Minimizing wastage of blood products
- R for Engineering Applications
- Setting up an R-Girls-Schools Network
- deposits: Deposit Research Data Anywhere
2020 (group 2)
- Development and maintenance of the Windows build infrastructure (Top level project proposal)
- Interactive visualisations in R via R-to-JavaScript-transpilation
2020 (group 1)
- Consolidating R-Ladies Global organisational guidance and wisdom
- Database interoperability for spatial objects in R
- HTTP testing in R Book
- MATTER 2.0: larger-than-memory data for R
- Spatiotemporal Data and Analytics
- The RECON COVID-19 challenge: leveraging the R community to improve COVID-19 analytics resources
- sftrack v1.0: Stable API for a broad adoption
2019 (group 2)
- An External R Sampling Profiler
- Flipbooks
- R Package Risk Assessment Application
- RcppDeepState, a simple way to fuzz test compiled code in R packages
- Symbolic mathematics in R with SymPy
- Tidy spatial networks in R
- d3po: R package for easy interactive D3 visualization with Shiny
- webchem: accessing chemical information from the web
2019 (group 1)
- Enhancing usability of sample size calculations and power analyses in R with a Task View page and accompanying tutorials
- Expanding the ‘metaverse’; an R ecosystem for meta-research
- R-global: analysing spatial data globally
- sftraj: A central class for tracking and movement data
2018 (group 2)
- Catalyzing R-hub adoption through R package developer advocacy
- Data-Driven Discovery and Tracking of R Consortium Activities
- Editorial assistance for the R Journal
- Licensing R - Guidelines and tools
- Next-generation text layout in grid and ggplot2
- Strengthening of R in support of spatial data infrastructures management : geometa and ows4R R packages
- Symbolic Formulae for Linear Mixed Models
- serveRless
2018 (group 1)
- A unified platform for missing values methods and workflows
- Developing Tools and Templates for Teaching Materials
- Maintaining DBI
- Ongoing infrastructural development for R on Windows and MacOS
- PSI application for collaboration to create online R package validation repository
- Proposal to Create an R Consortium Working Group Focused on US Census Data
- histoRicalg – Preserving and Transfering Algorithmic Knowledge
2017 (group 2)
- An Earth data processing backend for testing and evaluating stars
- Future Minimal API: Specification with Backend Conformance Test Suite
- Quantities for R
- Refactoring and updating the SWIG R module
2017 (group 1)
- Adding Linux Binary Builders to CRAN
- An infrastructure for building R packages on MacOS Abstract with homebrew
- Conference Management System for R Consortium Supported Conferences
- Continued Development of the R API for Distributed Computing
- Establishing DBI
- Forwards Workshops for Women and Girls
- Joint profiling of native and R code
- School of Data Material Development
- stars: Scalable, spatiotemporal tidy arrays for R
2016 (group 2)
2016 (group 1)